No matter what Brooke’s up to, there’s no question that she’s giving her 100%.
CrossFit athlete
A lifetime of swimming, gymnastics, softball and dance, has a made Brooke Ence the strong and versatile athlete she is today. As a dance major at the University of Utah, Brooke originally had her eye on Broadway before focusing on the podium. In 2011, she joined the UTE CrossFit team, placed 6th in the CrossFit NorCal Regional in 2014 and 1st in the 2015 California Regional. Brooke then went on to place 14th and notch two event wins—speed snatch ladder, clean and jerk—at the 2015 CrossFit Games in her rookie year.
Brooke’s business cred includes Athia Skin Care, a line of productions developed to perform for high-level athletes and the fitness minded, and an all-in-one fitness app called Naked Program.
the EntertainER
Brooke is often referred to as the “Red Carpet of CrossFit.” With a Shorty Award nomination under her belt, she is a major influencer in the health and fitness industry, and continues to share her story in a vulnerable and real way that and inspires others.
An Entertainer at heart, Brooke has been tapped for breakout roles in movies such as Wonder Woman and Justice League, and plays ‘The Boss’ on TV’s Ultimate Tag.